Chris and Rhett


IMG_1653 IMG_1076I wanted to drop you a line and let you know that Rhett is doing phenomenal!  He is only getting up once during the night to relieve himself and we haven’t had any accidents in the house in two days.  When I took him to the vet on Tuesday morning, the veterinarian was so impressed with the work y’all did regarding breeding and microchipping and the pedigrees that she asked for your card and is thinking of getting a puppy herself!  Rhett is even doing fine when left alone for an hour at a time in my apartment.  Crate training is almost completed.  He is one smart puppy!  Thank you again for all of your hard work and help in bringing him home.  I have attached a picture I took of him this morning……….

Rhett is now a healthy and energetic 2 years old and I couldn’t have asked for a better dog.  My vet constantly tells me how he is the “embodiment of what a labrador should be, both in appearance and temperament.”  I have attached a picture of him now.

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