River is ready for her retirement home! She's a great, fun loving dog that will be an excellent companion for anyone. Fenced yard...
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David and Diana from South Carolina
I can’t even begin to tell you how much we are enjoying Camille as a new addition to our family!
First, she was very quiet on the long trip back to South Carolina. Of course, she spent the entire trip curled up in Diana’s lap!
From the minute she entered our home, we knew we had made the right choice. She spent the first night quietly in the dog crate with our old lab, Laura, sleeping nearby. We took her out to the beach the next day and she romped and played, chasing old sea gull feathers and sniffing all the new things that she found on the beach. We noticed right away that she would stay close by, never venturing far from us and Laura. We gradually introduced her to a training dummy and she takes great joy in retrieving it and bringing it back to us. She now has learned to drop it right at our feet!
As all labs do, she loves to chew but she is not destructive at all, content to chew on her rawhide bones which are now scattered about our home. Laura has been so good with her and has shown great patience when Camille hangs on her neck or tugs on her collar. When Laura has had enough, she gives a gentle growl and Camille has learned that play time is over, for now at least. Laura is very protective of Camille, not letting any strange dogs on the beach come too close for comfort. Camille is very bright and has learned to come on command along with her retrieving skills. She is a joy to behold with that wonderful puppy enthusiasm, so loving and eager to please.
Housebreaking has gone much better than expected and Camille will go to the door when she needs to go out (most of the time, anyway, but she is getting better each day.) She has a good appetite, sleeps through the night and loves her naps on her dog bed.
We just wanted you to know how well Camille is doing and how much we love and enjoy her. The loss of our beloved Lilly was very hard on us, she was such an exceptional dog. Camille has filled a hole in our hearts and though Lilly will never be replaced, Camille has the same wonderful spirit.
We just wanted to thank you for sharing Camille with us and allowing her to come into our home!
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